Information about the journal issue
- published:
- 31st of October, 2017
- online edition:
- ISSN 1731-7428
- printed edition:
- ISSN 1731-6758
All academic articles in this journal are peer-reviewed.
E-mentor no 4 (71) / 2017
Teaching methods and programs
ICT in education
Applying the principles of Business Process Management to educating gifted high school students
Krzysztof Ponchała
How Teenagers Perceive Parental Attitudes Towards Their Activity on the Web
Anna Mróz, Roman Solecki
New trends in management
Corporate reactions to introduction of the mandate of an audit committee
Agata Adamska, Leszek Bohdanowicz, Jacek Gad
The standards of social reporting by business organizations as a model for social engagement of the courts of law
Przemysław Banasik
Public manager and his role in human resources management of selected local government units
Izabela Różańska-Bińczyk
Lifelong learning
Business and technologies
The Dawn of Robo-Advisors
Wojciech Rogowski