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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em71.1312
The article is in the printed version on pages 11-18.
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E-mentor number 4 (71) / 2017
Table of contents
About the author
Applying the principles of Business Process Management to educating gifted high school students
Krzysztof Ponchała
The aim of this article is to present the opportunities provided by business process approach if applied to educating gifted children. The author begins with the statement that this group of students is not well diagnosed in schools. Consequently, developmental potential of those children is insufficiently supported. The author describes activities undertaken in one of the Polish high schools with the aim to verify the possibility of applying processual orientation in enhancing quality of gifted education. The research carried out by the author aimed at gathering the information, what actions are taken by teachers working with those children. In the theoretical part, the relevant concepts are introduced i.e. a gifted student, his or her place at school and the typical means of supporting this group of students. The author provides also a brief characteristics of business processes and the conception of process management. In the empirical part of the article, as a case study, the outcomes of research on educating gifted children in one of the Polish high schools are presented. The paper highlights processual approach in supporting their education as a method of optimization of this process. In the next section, using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), the author presents a model of identification and diagnosis of those students as the first stage of introducing process orientation in educating gifted students. Modelling of the process allows us to learn how it occurs and in particular the role of teachers in this process. The author stresses also the significance of mutual cooperation among teachers and shows how the information generated in the process supports effective knowledge management in this area.
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