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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em60.1189

The article is in the printed version on pages 64-73.

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A. Marszałek, Dlaczego warto uczestniczyć w szkoleniach?, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 3(60), s. 64-73, http://dx.doi.org/10.15219/em60.1189.

E-mentor number 3 (60) / 2015

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About the author

Why it is worth to be trained?

Anna Marszałek

New trends in management


Trainings are one of the forms of investing in the development of human resources. Its aim is to raise the quality of performed job. In order to be more effective trainings need to fulfill some crucial conditions, which are broadly described in the paper.

Trainings may also be perceived as a platform enabling employees to develop new competences or strengthen the ones already possessed. It is worth mentioning that after the training not every participant will master the desirable level of competences. Taking that consideration into account not all goals connected to a training may be realized. However, the organization should not strictly reduce the training offer to its employees. On contrary, it ought to create the climate for promoting the active methods of acquiring new knowledge for them. In order to fulfill that role it should stimulate the employees to posing questions, seeking answers to them (sometimes not the obvious ones) or experimenting (of course within reason). The main goal of all actions mentioned above is to release from schematic thinking and to work out solutions which can be easily transferable to the job place. Moreover employees should have a feeling that employers are supporting them in their efforts.


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About the author

Anna Marszałek

National Science Centre