Informacje o numerze
- Data wydania:
- grudzień 2024
- Wersja online:
- ISSN 1731-7428
- Wersja drukowana:
- ISSN 1731-6758
Artykuły naukowe zawarte w niniejszym czasopiśmie są recenzowane.
E-mentor nr 5 (107) / 2024
2025: A Race Odyssey. Leadership in the era of AI
Don Olcott, Jr.
New trends in education
ESP students’ attitudes towards using digital dictionaries and AI-based tools in language learning
Dragana Božić Lenard, Katarina Šokčević
Education policy assessment of countries using an integrated decision-making approach
E. Ertugrul Karsak, Ece Ucar
The impact of the organisational commitment of teachers on work engagement: The mediating role of teaching efficacy
Hsin-Yi Lien, Hsieh-Chih Lai
Extracurricular student activity and its impact on developing students' job competencies. The case of students working at BEST Gdansk
Paulina Chobot
Study pace reveals differences in online learning using R-squared analysis
Michael A. Kolitsky
New trends in management
Green Human Resource Management practices and the pro-environmental behaviour of employees in the TFL sector
Alicja Winnicka-Wejs
Subjective well-being of sojourners and its determinants: evidence from Mexico
Agnieszka Golińska, Anna Kwiatkowska
Managing selected types of costs related to ESG implementation in enterprises
Monika Szczerbak, Paweł Dec