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E-mentor nr 3 (80) / 2019

Spis treści artykułu

From the Editor

Maria Zając

Od redakcji

From the Editor

Dear E-mentor readers,

After the success of our first attempts to reach the international audience by the E-mentor academic journal, we continue our project, based on publishing some e-mentor volumes entirely in English. The current issue covers a range of topics reflecting how technology influences both the teaching and learning processes at the university and knowledge management in the corporate environment. Quite a lot of attention has been devoted to peoples' attitudes, behaviors, and expectations stimulated by the changes in contemporary societies. On the one side, the reflections concern broad issues such as knowledge exchange in the sharing economy or the perception of career success. On the other, they refer to more specific topics like the relationship between students' online learning performance and their individual identity or dependence on the learning results on the features of Z Generation as a whole.

Another aspect is being considered by the group of authors who present the results of research on how different types of media used for delivering learning content influence the learning outcomes. The two others describe the results of applying computer simulations to teaching real-life examples during the microeconomics course.

And last but not least, it is worth to mention two articles not directly linked to teaching - one opens this volume, and the other one closes it. The first refers to the richness of information and analyzes the obstacles in deriving the knowledge from the big data sets collected in the libraries and online catalogs. The second mentioned article tackles the accessibility issue illustrating it by a bit unusual example of creating the art which can be touched and heard, which makes it accessible to visually impaired or blind visitors of exhibitions centers. That, quite a new trend of making art accessible, appears more and more often in contemporary publications, including e-mentor journal as well.

The process of publishing the international versions of E-mentor entirely in English will be continued in the year 2020 as well. We do encourage the researchers both from academia and from business to publish with us. E-mentor is an open-access journal available for free online and in printed form. There is also no charge for publishing. All scientific papers are peer-reviewed (we apply the double-blind review procedure), and the journal is indexed in several international databases, including Web of Science ESCI base.

A brief guide for Authors can be found on last but one page of the journal. More detailed instructions and the submission form are available online at http://www.e-mentor.edu.pl/eng/page/8/Info_for_Authors. If you have any questions concerning the publication in e-mentor, please contact the editorial team at redakcja@e-mentor.edu.pl.

Maria Zając

"Kontynuacja działań na rzecz zwiększenia międzynarodowego zasięgu czasopisma E-mentor w wersji drukowanej i online (o otwartym dostępie)" - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy nr 693/P-DUN/20I9 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

"Continuing the actions aimed at increasing international outreach of E-mentor scientific journal in print and online (open access)" - a task financed under the agreement No. 693/P-DUN/20I9 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland designated for the dissemination of research and science achievements.