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E-mentor nr 3 (70) / 2017

Spis treści artykułu

From the Editor

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From the Editor

Dear e-mentor readers,

I have a great pleasure to present the 70th issue of the academic journal E-mentor, which at the same time is the first international issue fully in English. E-mentor covers quite a wide range of topics concerning the use of ICT in business and education, as well as different means of building and sharing knowledge through formal, informal and lifelong learning. A few papers included in the current issue refer to the general concepts like social constructivism or the role of teacher empathy and its impact on student engagement. Two others present the global solutions like degree reform in Scandinavian higher education or the process of creating the Global Campus at the University of Illinois. A significant part of the issue has been dedicated to sharing good practices of teaching and learning at higher education institutions in Poland and in the United States. We strongly believe that presented ideas and solutions could serve as an inspiration for other academics around the world.

We also hope that this first attempt to broaden access to the valuable content of our journal will correspond with the expectations of our readers and the potential contributors as well. It is planned that in the coming year 2018 three English issues will be published. Researchers and teachers from HE institutions interested in publishing with e-mentor may refer to the brief guide for authors published on the last but one page of the journal. More detailed instructions and the submission form can be found online at: http://www.e-mentor.edu.pl/eng/page/8/Info_for_Authors.

Current edition has been prepared in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Springfield (USA). Three articles out of 10 have been written by the academics from that university. We would be happy to collaborate with HE institutions interested in publishing the block of articles presenting best examples of teaching practice or research carried out by their staff.

Maria Zając

"Zwiększenie liczby artykułów w języku angielskim publikowanych w czasopiśmie E-mentor"- zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy nr 748/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

"Increasing the number of articles published in English in the E-mentor journal" - a task financed under the agreement No. 748/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland designated for the dissemination of research and science achievements.