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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em54.1091

The article is in the printed version on pages 24-33.

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How to cite

G. Gmiterek, Biblioteka 2.0 w 2014 r. - analiza zjawiska, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 2 (54), s. 24-33, http://www.e-mentor.edu.pl/artykul/index/numer/54/id/1091.

E-mentor number 2 (54) / 2014

Table of contents

About the author

Library 2.0 in 2014 - an analysis of the phenomenon

Grzegorz Gmiterek

New trends in management


In the article the author presented the current state of the phenomenon of Library 2.0 and possibilities of using its components by libraries. The author concentrated on selected issues and network services that determine an important part of the activity of libraries (school, public, academic and special) in a social Internet and traditional activities of these institutions. The author paid particular attention to the interactivity library services, mobility, using Web 2.0 tools by readers and librarians, but also new forms of mobile access to digital documents. The main aim of the analysis was to show how the phenomenon of Web 2.0 (defined by Tim O'Reilly in 2004) influenced and influences on the functioning of various types of libraries. Should we speak about the end or crisis of Library 2.0, or rather about the evolution and development of this phenomenon in the context of new ways of cooperation and communication? The characteristic has been prepared mainly on the basis of the analysis and critique of the literature, as well as the observations (including participatory observation) of the network of library, information services and information behavior of librarians and the Internet users which use the library virtual offer.


About the author


University of Warsaw