Informacje o numerze
- Data wydania:
- 29 lipca 2022
- Wersja online:
- ISSN 1731-7428
- Wersja drukowana:
- ISSN 1731-6758
Artykuły naukowe zawarte w niniejszym czasopiśmie są recenzowane.
E-mentor nr 2 (94) / 2022
From the editor
Małgorzata Marchewka
Education worldwide
Understanding the declared knowledge and readiness to apply Corporate Social Responsibility of Polish and Spanish business students
Marzena Syper-Jędrzejak, Wojciech Ulrych, Victor Oltra
Teaching methods and programs
New trends in management
Diagnosis of the level of cultural intelligence among students of economics universities in Poland
Dorota Teneta-Skwiercz
Boosting creativity in co-creation with consumers in the fuzzy front-end of new product development: A literature review and organising framework
Mieszko Olszewski
Objectivity in evaluating professional career development
Klaudia Blachnicka
Lifelong learning
Infographics in social media. Selected issues
Elżbieta Sroka
ICT in education
Addressing students’ perceived value with the virtual university concept
Ryszard Ćwiertniak, Przemysław Stach, Katarzyna Kowalska-Jarnot, Karolina Worytkiewicz-Raś, Barbara Wachułka-Kościuszko
Boosting students’ creativity through visual bricolage of experiences – how visual collage boards help students in expressing their knowledge during online classes
Monika Sońta