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E-mentor nr 2 (84) / 2020

Spis treści artykułu

From the Editor

Maria Zając

Od redakcji

From the Editor

Dear E-mentor readers,

In the year 2020, we continue publishing some volumes of E-mentor academic journal entirely in English. It is my great pleasure to present the next of them. What I find particularly valuable about the current volume is that all papers but one concern teaching and learning. They either directly refer to online education or present the solutions which may equally well be used in online and f2f settings. In the problematic pandemic period when schools and universities were forced to move to the internet space in a rush, many teachers faced the unexpected necessity of changing the teaching methods. From those, they used to apply, sometimes throughout their whole professional lives, to those which fit better to the new reality. Moreover, no one can tell how the new academic year will look like, and whether teaching and learning will take place mostly online or on campus.

However, it seems quite reasonable to get prepared for the prevalence of distant classes. There is no doubt it cannot any longer be emergency remote learning. Therefore, the examples of practices that worked are particularly valuable. I do believe that the readers of the current volume will find the topics covered in it inspirational. I would particularly recommend the conclusions derived from applying the retrieval practice in online courses presented by Michael Kolitsky and the observations concerning interactions in online courses and how they are perceived by students. The authors of that paper are Faye Lesht and David Schejbal.

E-mentor is an open-access journal available for free both online and in printed form. There is also no charge for publishing. All scientific papers are peer-reviewed (we apply the double-blind review procedure), and the journal is indexed in several global databases, including Web of Science ESCI and EBSCO. We systematically extend our international outreach, and in this volume, one can find the texts written not only by the Polish and American authors, who are our most common contributors but also - for the first time - by the author from Bangladesh.

A brief guide for Authors can be found on last but one page of the journal. More detailed instructions and the submission form are available online at http://www.e-mentor.edu.pl/eng/page/8/Info_for_Authors. If you have any questions concerning the publication in E-mentor, please contact the editorial team at redakcja@e-mentor.edu.pl.

Maria Zając

"Kontynuacja działań na rzecz zwiększenia międzynarodowego zasięgu czasopisma E-mentor w wersji drukowanej i online (o otwartym dostępie)" - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy nr 693/P-DUN/20I9 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

"Continuing the actions aimed at increasing international outreach of E-mentor scientific journal in print and online (open access)" - a task financed under the agreement No. 693/P-DUN/20I9 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland designated for the dissemination of research and science achievements.