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Search results for the author: Piotr Sliż
Business Process Management education in Poland: A manifesto for academic teaching
[E-mentor no 2 (104) / 2024] Piotr Sliż, Justyna Berniak-Woźny, Edyta Brzychczy, Renata Gabryelczyk, Katarzyna Gdowska, Marzena Grzesiak, Aneta Napieraj, Marta Podobińska-Staniec, Natalia R. Potoczek, Marek Szelągowski, Piotr Senkus, Krzysztof Kluza
The isolation of people with disabilities in the context of legal, economic, social, and technological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
[E-mentor no 1 (103) / 2024] Liwia Delińska, Jędrzej Siciński, Piotr Sliż, Paweł Antonowicz, Sylwia Orłowska, Mateusz Kajnath
Navigating digital transformation: perspectives on evaluating business process management maturity
[E-mentor no 5 (102) / 2023] Piotr Sliż, Marek Szelągowski
Business model transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic – example of the automotive industry
[E-mentor no 2 (99) / 2023] Emilia Dobrowolska, Piotr Sliż
Discussion of the concept of ambidexterity in process management
[E-mentor no 1 (98) / 2023] Piotr Sliż, Marek Szelągowski
Corporate social responsibility and project management: towards a better understanding of their relationship
[E-mentor no 4 (96) / 2022] Piotr Sliż, Magdalena Popowska, Julia Jarzyński
Remote work during the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland – results of an empirical study
[E-mentor no 3 (85) / 2020] Piotr Sliż