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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em86.1480

The article is in the printed version on pages 36-46.

How to cite

Lis, M., Moczulska, M., Solińska, K., & Wolna, N. (2020). Social aspects of introducing online learning - the students' perspective. e-mentor, 4(86), 36-46. https://doi.org/10.15219/em86.1480

E-mentor number 4 (86) / 2020

Table of contents

About the authors

Social aspects of introducing online learning - the students' perspective

Magdalena Lis, Natalia Wolna, Marta Moczulska, Kinga Solińska

New trends in management


The article presents the introduction of online learning at universities in Poland, which was a solution aimed at preventing, countering and combating COVID-19. Attention was drawn to the perception of this change by the stakeholders, i.e. students. The analysis examines students' concerns regarding the implementation of this form of learning in selected areas related to access to technology, the organization of classes, and the participation in them, social interactions and administrative activities. The aim of the research was also to ascertain students' opinions on the consequences of the implemented change and on the actions aimed at facilitating the transition to online learning undertaken by the authorities and university employees.

The research was conducted with the use of an electronic survey questionnaire. The responses of 189 full-time university students were analyzed. Based on the results of the research, communication between students and university authorities, as well as the involvement of participants in the process of change were considered as key elements in the implementation of online learning.

Among the important activities there were those that enable participation in online learning (provision of equipment, programs, licenses) and those that support learning (access to library resources). As regards the latter, conclusions were formulated concerning the planning of teaching, i.e. the content and the way of transferring knowledge.

Keywords: online learning, change process, resistance, stakeholders, universities


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About the authors

Magdalena Lis

The author graduated from the University of Zielona Góra with BAs in economics. Currently, she is a fifth-year student of logistics and economics with a specialization in accounting and financial consulting. During her studies, she received the Chancellor's scholarship for the best students several times. Her scientific interests include finance, investment attractiveness and risk in business operations.

Natalia Wolna

The author graduated from the University of Zielona Góra with BAs in economics. Currently, she is a fifth-year student of logistics and economics with a specialization in accounting and financial consulting. During her studies, she received the Chancellor's scholarship for the best students several times. Her scientific interests include finance, investment attractiveness and risk in business operations.

Marta Moczulska

The author is a Doctor of Economics in the discipline of management sciences, assistant professor at the University of Zielona Góra. For almost twenty years, she has been dealing with the issues of change management, especially in the social aspect. Her research interests concern the subject of employee involvement and the possibility of shaping it in the organization, coopetition within the organization with consideration of contemporary conditions of enterprises. They include the use of technology and remote work.

Kinga Solińska

The author graduated from the University of Zielona Góra with a BA in economics. Currently, she is a fifth-year student of economics with a specialization in accounting and financial consulting.