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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em72.1323

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E-mentor number 5 (72) / 2017

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About the authors

Perspectives of using the techniques of implementation intentions in education

Radosława Herzog-Krzywoszańska, Łukasz Krzywoszański

New trends in management


The students' ability to handle their educational behaviours ís an essential precondition for effective knowledge acquisition. However, widespread difficulties in organizing their own activities reduce effectiveness of education and lead to educational failures. One of the methods that supports effective achievement of educational goals is implementation intentions. So far, this method has been used mainly in health furtherance and disease prevention. Such intentions take the format of "If (I find myself in situation x)... - then (I will perform action y) ...". The aim of this article is to present the results of experimental studies demonstrating effectiveness of implementation intentions approach in different areas of educational practice. Its use allowed increasing attendance in classes and improvement of self-governed student educational activity, including on-time delivery of written work and increase in the amount of time spent on self-study. Furthermore, it allowed enhancing the efficiency of educational methods based on information technology tools. It has been shown that efficiency of solving a series of difficult computer tasks was improved due to the use of implementation intentions. The outcomes of learning based on the presentation of multimedia educational materials were also improved. Discussed results demonstrate that implementation intentions has a wide range of educational applications. Attention was paid to the vast possibilities of using this technique in forms of education based on self-learning and in distant education using electronic communication in synchronous and asynchronous mode. It was recommended to include implementation intentions into programs of training and raising qualifications of educational staff.


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About the authors

Radosława Herzog-Krzywoszańska

Łukasz Krzywoszański