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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em67.1274

The article is in the printed version on pages 21-29.

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E-mentor number 5 (67) / 2016

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About the author

The preferred organizational values and the employee engagement

Lech Górniak

New trends in management


Engaged employees are the greatest asset of any organization. High level of engagement among the members of organizational community significantly contributes to company's development. Therefore, seeking the ways to effectively harness such engagement should for the organizational leaders be equally important as the concern about the economic side of business. For instance, the team work can strongly benefit from such common values.

The paper describes the results of a survey that involved more than 500 people. The survey aimed at broadening the knowledge about how organizational values contribute to maintaining high level of employee engagement. Collected data can serve as an important guideline for the executives as they indicate what type of actions that take into consideration organizational values could help improve effectiveness of the company. The results of the research clearly show that stimulating feelings of responsibility, appreciating the signs of engagement and creating a climate of trust and collaboration based on companionship have very positive impact on employees' engagement. They also show the benefits of taking gender differences into consideration, as expectations in this matter differ depending on a gender.


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About the author

Lech Górniak

Cracow University of Economics