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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em60.1190

The article is in the printed version on pages 74-78.

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E. Grzywa, E-biznes, tradycyjny biznes a zjawisko kanibalizacji w kontekście modeli biznesu, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 3(60), s. 74-78, http://dx.doi.org/10.15219/em60.1190.

E-mentor number 3 (60) / 2015

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About the author

E-business, traditional business and cannibalization in the context of existing business model

Ewa Grzywa

New trends in management


The aim of this article is to place the interest on cannibalization of existing business model as a consequence of introducing to the company's activity new business based on digital technologies. The article is structured as follows: in the first part the business model notion is presented, further its relation with technology, especially digital technology, is underlined, then in the third part research methodology is discussed, whereas the fourth part analyses enterprises' reactions to revolutionary change triggered by digital technologies in the business model context. Considerations presented in the article has been formulated on the basis of systematic literature review, including 139 publications from the period between 2010 and 2014, Polish-language and English-language, and represent part of wider research conducted on business models. Quoted in the article the Deseret News case points to the dual-transformation approach as the most effective reaction to digital revolution. Firstly, the transformation encompasses reorganizing existing business in order to adjust it to the current market reality. Secondly, new innovative business based on digital technologies is being developed within separate structures with the intention to become the future core of the company's performance.


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About the author

Ewa Grzywa

University of Economics in Katowice