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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em54.1097

The article is in the printed version on pages 68-74.

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M. Matuszewska-Maroń, T. Markowski, Publikacja wzorów dokumentów elektronicznych w Centralnym Repozytorium Dokumentów Elektronicznych na platformie ePUAP w praktyce, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 2 (54), s. 68-74, http://www.e-mentor.edu.pl/artykul/index/numer/54/id/1097.

E-mentor number 2 (54) / 2014

Table of contents

About the authors

Publication of electronic documents patterns in the Central Repository for Electronic Documents of ePUAP platform in practice

Marta Matuszewska-Maroń, Tomasz Markowski

New trends in management


General duty of publication of electronic documents patterns by public authorities prior to rendering available to citizens in a form of electronic services has been introduced by the legislator. Lack of precise rules and a shared vision of informatization of the public administration wreaks legal and organizational havoc, thus impeding the smooth launch of new services.

From the authorities perspective this results primarily in problems with establishing responsibility and clearing rights to submit applications to the Central Document Repository and difficulties in the process of creating a correct pattern. For the citizens this results in a lack of uniform documents patterns for the whole country and a limited access to electronic path of settling official matters.

Electronic Platform for e-Services of Public Administration provides tools for creating electronic patterns and sharing electronic services. The software on which the Application Construction Environment is based provides visual and fully accessible tools for preparing electronic forms. Unfortunately, the end result - accepted by the Platform as correct - does not automatically meet the requirements specified in the regulations; therefore, it needs to be adapted, which is a significant problem blocking any further steps of the process.

According to the authors, changes are necessary both in terms of legislation and software. Greater emphasis should be put on cooperation between central authorities and local government units, which will result in procedures consistent at country level and effective use of resources and public funds.

About the authors


The Institute of Logistics and Warehousing


The Institute of Logistics and Warehousing