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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em54.1093

The article is in the printed version on pages 46-50.

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M. Kaszubowski, J. Wolszczak-Derlacz, Zróżnicowanie płac kobiet i mężczyzn zatrudnionych jako pracownicy naukowo-dydaktyczni w publicznych szkołach wyższych, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 2 (54), s. 46-50, http://www.e-mentor.edu.pl/artykul/index/numer/54/id/1093.

E-mentor number 2 (54) / 2014

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Wage differentials between female and male academic staff employed in public universities

Mariusz Kaszubowski, Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz

New trends in management


This paper examines the gender wage gap in Polish public higher education institutions. The analysis is based on the unique web-survey data in which information about level of the salary and characteristics of the employees has been gathered. The study involves wage regression analyses in which among additional employed covariates have been: gender, experience, academic rank, type of the institution (e.g university versus economic school) and productivity. The productivity is measured in terms of the publication record. Results of the study confirm that on average women earn less than men, but this is mostly due to the differences in academic ranks, and not a consequence of wage discrimination per se. Additionally, it was shown that the variable related to productivity is not among the important determinants of one's salary. This lack of relationship between research productivity and individual academics' salaries questions the way research is assessed, and can be considered demotivating in terms of careers in Polish academia.


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About the authors


Gdańsk University of Technology


Gdańsk University of Technology