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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em107.1683

The article is in the printed version on pages 54-65.

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Winnicka-Wejs, A. (2024). Green Human Resource Management practices and the pro-environmental behaviour of employees in the TFL sector. e-mentor, 5(107), 54-65. https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em107.1683

E-mentor number 5 (107) / 2024

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Green Human Resource Management practices and the pro-environmental behaviour of employees in the TFL sector

Alicja Winnicka-Wejs

New trends in management


This article has cognitive value for the development of knowledge in the field of the sciences of management and quality, raising awareness of the ecological dimension of sustainable human resource management and providing the results of an own survey conducted within TFL sector entities in Poland. A survey questionnaire was developed for the purpose of the study, and a diagnostic poll based on a purposive sample and a statistical method analysis were applied.

The survey data shows that the respondents from micro companies rate the environmental awareness level higher than middle-sized and large companies, and the pro-environmental behaviour of respondents from the TFL sector refers mainly to the basic level. In their view, the sustainability value is currently implemented to a limited degree. While performing pro-environmental activities in their workplace they rate organisational support higher than that of the managers. Green Human Resource Management processes are implemented in only one-third of the companies surveyed, and only 40% of the respondents believe that ecological objectives are truly executed and pro-environmental activities are important.

Keywords: GHRM (Green Human Resource Management), TFL (Transport-Forwarding-Logistics), sustainability, Green HR Practices, pro-environmental behaviour


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About the author

Alicja Winnicka-Wejs

The author holds a postdoctoral degree in social sciences in the discipline of management and quality, working as a professor in the Department of Organizational Management at the University of Economics in Katowice. She is the author of several dozen publications in the field of human capital management. Her scientific and research interests focus on the issues of investing in human capital, the market of development services, management of an organisation's human capital quality and value, as well as personal marketing and personal risk. She is currently the manager of an interdisciplinary research project entitled "The role of an inclusive approach to building resilience of an organisation based on the example of the TFL sector".