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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em104.1653

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Zborowski, M., & Chmielarz, W. (2024). Identification of awareness of the conditions for using cryptocurrencies in Poland. e-mentor, 2(104), 4-13. https://doi.org/10.15219/em104.1653

E-mentor number 2 (104) / 2024

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About the authors

Identification of awareness of the conditions for using cryptocurrencies in Poland

Marek Zborowski, Witold Chmielarz

New trends in management


The primary aim of this article is to identify internet users' knowledge and awareness of cryptocurrencies and the determinants of their use in Poland. The study, which used the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) method, was conducted on a group of 400 active Internet users selected through random and purposive sampling. In the survey, which was carried out in April/May 2022 in Poland, respondents were asked to evaluate cryptocurrencies taking into account the following criteria: familiarity with the concept of cryptocurrency, sources of information about the phenomenon, investment preferences, security awareness, and the respondents' knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrencies. As a continuation of previous research undertaken in this area, the research demonstrated a strong understanding of the respondents concerning the lack of transparency associated with cryptocurrencies and the cryptocurrency market. The main concerns when using cryptocurrencies are: lack of protection against speculators, lack of supervision by a reputable financial institution, and lack of control of the cryptocurrency market by the National Bank of Poland (NBP). The conclusions and recommendations contained in this article may contribute to increasing knowledge and awareness of the phenomenon analysed, and increasing its popularity in society. Additionally, it provides insights for investors regarding the direction of cryptocurrency development.

Keywords: cryptocurrencies, awareness of cryptocurrency determinants, cryptocurrency usage factors, cryptocurrency characteristics, advantages of cryptocurrencies, disadvantages of cryptocurrencies


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About the authors

Marek Zborowski

Doctor of economic sciences in the field of management sciences. A long-time employee of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, in the Department of Management Information Systems, and the University of Applied Information Technology and Management, under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Co-author and author of 74 scientific publications in the field of application of Information and Communication Technologies, with particular emphasis on the aspects of electronic banking. Co-author of the following books: Comprehensive methods of evaluating the quality of websites and Electronic banking, Essence and innovation. Co-author of and responsible for the implementation of numerous research surveys, e.g. from the areas of e-marketing and m-marketing. Speaker at various international and national scientific conferences. Lecturer of subjects in the field of Information Technology in Management, as well as Business Process Management, Business Process Modelling, Project Management and Business Intelligence.

Witold Chmielarz

The author completed his Ph.D. and Post Ph.D. in management, with a major focus on management information systems, e-banking and e-ecommerce at the University of Warsaw. He is the initiator of one of the schools of website quality evaluation, the co-author of a confrontational method of pattern design, and a strong supporter of the evaluation of the usefulness and quality of IT systems from the user's point of view. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers and 30 books or chapters in books, covering modern aspects of e-business. He has participated in university scholarships and given lectures, among others, in the USA and India, as well as numerous European countries.