PhotoVoice (PV) as an educational research method - considering the possibilities of online work in the fourth grade of primary school. Challenges and solutions.

Karolina Zioło-Pużuk


The aim of this article is to find an answer to the question of whether the PhotoVoice method can be used in online educational research conducted with children aged 10-11. The author describes the aims and methodology of PhotoVoice. The paper also presents the ethical and organisational challenges faced by researchers wishing to use PhotoVoice in educational settings. The conducted pilot study did not provide an unequivocal answer to the research question, but indicated the directions in which further research should be conducted. It showed how the PV procedure should be changed, while maintaining the main objectives of the method, enabling its implementation in work with children in the fourth grade of primary school. The changes should include greater involvement and empowerment of students, conducting a mini-project preceding the actual project, and limiting the role of the teacher to participation in the final stage, i.e. the presentation of photographic work to decision-makers. At the same time the pilot project made it possible to conclude that the involvement of students in the project, in-depth reflection on photographs and discussions and motivation to propose changes in the immediate educational environment pose additional challenges if the project is conducted online.

Keywords: PhotoVoice, participatory research, education in COVID-19 pandemic, learning at home, distance learning


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Karolina Zioło-Pużuk

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 13-21.

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How to cite

Zioło-Pużuk, K. (2022). PhotoVoice - rozważania nad zastosowaniem metody w pracy online w klasie czwartej szkoły podstawowej. Wyzwania i rozwiązania. e-mentor, 3(95), 13-21.