Ethical awareness of student youth in an economic university. Survey results

Anna Karmańska, Alicja Obrębska


The subject of the article was raised in response to the research gap in the area of ethical views and attitudes of academic youth. The problem was considered important due to the growing role of ethics in business and the consequent need to focus on ethics at every stage of economic education.

The characteristics obtained thanks to the empirical study (in the form of a survey conducted among first-year students at SGH Warsaw School of Economics) may contribute to documenting the state of ethical awareness of students at an economic university at the initial stage of economic education and additionally in the initial period of a crisis caused by COVID-19.

The research brings a double cognitive value. On the one hand, it presents the generalized "ethical" characteristics of student youth in the initial stage of academic education, including the original radar of the student's perception of the importance of ethical values in defining an ideal ethical attitude in business, compatible with the Tool-kit for Ethics Self-Assessment, available at On the other hand - after applying the observations to the ground of shaping academic curricula - some suggestions relating to ethics can be derived, which should not be overlooked in the work on study programs.

Keywords: economic education, ethical attitudes, education programs, ethics, crisis situation, COVID-19, Tool-Kit for Ethics Self-Assessment, survey, student radar of values



Anna Karmańska

Alicja Obrębska

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 4-18.

pdf read the article (Polish)

How to cite

Karmańska, A. i Obrębska, A. (2021). Świadomość etyczna młodzieży studenckiej w uczelni ekonomicznej. Wyniki sondażu. e-mentor, 1(88), 4-18.