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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em78.1396

The article is in the printed version on pages 18-24.

How to cite

Winch, S. (2019). System wartości kandydatów na studia w uczelni ekonomicznej - na przykładzie Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie. e-mentor, 1(78), 18-24. DOI: 10.15219/em80.1396

E-mentor number 1 (78) / 2019

Table of contents

About the authors

The values system of the candidates for studies at an economic university - on the example of SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Sławomir Winch

New trends in management


One of the tasks of universities is to shape students' attitudes. Fulfilling this role is conducive to diagnosing the value system of people applying for their index. The article aims to present the system of values and criteria for making decisions of the candidates for studies at an economic university. The results of quantitative research carried out by a team of SGH Warsaw School of Economics employees illustrate the goal formulated in this way. Candidates for economic studies do not differ in terms of the value system, from their peers who apply for the indexes of other universities. Their principal values include family, work in line with interests, friendship, peaceful and stable life and proper remuneration for work. In the conducted studies, gender appeared to be differentiating variable. Women, in comparison with men, more emphasize such values as successful family life, work in line with interests, peaceful and stable life. An image of the candidates the appeared in the research can be described as pragmatic. The most important for them, after graduation, is to find a well-paid job easily. Concerning the university, this pragmatism is manifested, among other things, in the expectation of international contacts and the offer of external scholarships. The identified values not only can create the image of the university but also determine its competitive advantage on the educational market.

Keywords: value system of candidates for studies, image of an economic university, pragmatic attitude of young people, factors of competitive advantage


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About the authors

Sławomir Winch