About the article
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em75.1362
The article is in the printed version on pages 48-55.
How to cite
Zarzycka, E., Krasodomska, J. & Biernacki, M. (2018). Akredytacja ACCA a rozwój zawodowy specjalistów rachunkowości i finansów w Polsce. e-mentor, 3(75), 48-55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15219/em75.1362
E-mentor number 3 (75) / 2018
Table of contents
About the author
ACCA accreditation and the professional development of finance and accounting specialists in Poland
Ewelina Zarzycka, Joanna Krasodomska, Michał Biernacki
Organizations certifying professions in the area of accounting and finance play an essential role in shaping and strengthening the professional status of its practitioners. Universities in Poland recognized the importance of international qualifications and established active cooperation with the Asociation of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA) to accredit accounting and finance programs.
The presented study aims to answer whether ACCA accreditation affects the professional development of accounting and finance specialists in Poland. Its role was also to identify factors that contribute to increasing the professional development of accounting and finance specialists in connection with the accreditation of study programs. To achieve these goals a questionnaire survey was conducted among students from three selected accredited universities in Poland. The analysis of the results obtained was carried out by the use of descriptive statistics and multiple regression.
According to students' opinions, the employers' interest in graduates of accredited courses positively influences their career development. In addition to the interest of employers' mentioned above, surveyed women also indicated a higher quality of education in accredited courses, while men stressed the greater prestige of studies as a factor contributing to the development of their professional career.
The results of this study are a valuable contribution to the discussion on professional development as well as the impact of accreditation institutions on the training of accounting and finance specialists.
Keywords: accounting education, professional development, higher education, accreditation
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