Networking activities of general judiciary - from theory to practice

Przemysław Banasik, Sylwia Morawska, Monika Odlanicka-Poczobutt


The development of the concept of the network, which is used both to explain complex decisions made in the area of implemented policy and as a basis for introducing innovations, is currently of significant importance for organizations. The analysis of network relations may contribute to increasing the efficiency of managing complex interactions that also arise in the sphere of entities participating in activities aimed at satisfying social needs, which is why the common courts that constitute the system of justice is the subject of interest. The purpose of this article was to determine the levels of organizational maturity of common courts for the practice of cross-referencing within the justice system, the formulation of general recommendations in this area, and the indication of potential benefits. The research involved direct interviews and participant observations as a result of the project POKL 05.03.00-00-012/11, entitled PWP Education in the field of time management and court proceedings costs – Case management. Nearly 10% of all courts in Poland were subject to the survey. The research results became the basis for determining the levels of organizational maturity of the courts. The results obtained indicate the potential for the judiciary to create horizontal organizational links, the purpose of which is to connect members of the organization, facilitate joint activities and learning, and consequently create new solutions to exist- ing problems. The research shows that the level of maturity is varied, but judicial cooperation is possible, cutting hierarchical subordination as a voluntary inter-organizational network.

Keywords: network, networking, justice, common courts, levels of organization maturity


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Przemysław Banasik

The Author is a Doctor (Hab.) of Economic Sciences, an Associate Professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology, and a judge at a court of appeal. He is a participant in grants and statutory research, possesses a wide knowledge of court rules in the basic area (case law) and experience in court management obtained while holding the position of president at the first District Court in Wejherowo, and then at the District Court in Gdańsk; author of the good practice "The Court in the Social Environment", implemented in 60 common courts; participant of the international project "Education in the field of time and cost management of court proceedings - case management" ("Edukacja w dziedzinie zarządzania czasem i kosztami postępowań sądowych - case management").

Sylwia Morawska

The Author is a Doctor (Hab.) of Economics, an Associate Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics and a prosecutor. She is a participant in grants and statutory research; manager of two projects with a total value of PLN 60 million, including one international from PO KL "Good governance"; as part of the project "Education in the field of time management and costs of court proceedings - case management", participant in the development and implementation of good practice "Court in a social environment" in 60 common courts.

Monika Odlanicka-Poczobutt

The Author is a Doctor (Hab.) of Economics, and an Associate Professor at the Institute of Management, Administration and Logistics at the Silesian University of Technology. She has substantial experience in conducting research in common courts in the area of management in the judiciary, implementation of logistic processes, in the scope of case categorization; participant in grants and statutory research; manager and author of completed structural projects for the amount of PLN 15 million, including a strategic project carried out with the National Center for Research and Development; a winner of awards for scientific achievements; author of over 100 publications in the field of management; a researcher in the common court on a sample of almost 17,000 civil cases.

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How to cite

Banasik, P., Morawska, S. & Odlanicka-Poczobutt M. (2018). Networking activities of general judiciary - from theory to practice. e-mentor, 2(74), 51-59. DOI: