Development of soft skills as a part of an LSP course

Joanna Kic-Drgas


TThe lack of knowledge of a foreign language for specific purposes and the increasing internationalization of domestic markets cause many communicative difficulties at the corporate level. Inefficient communication slows down decision-making processes and lowers the quality of services offered. In this respect, soft skills are gaining more and more importance in professional environments. Considering the need for providing a high level of foreign language even at the interview level, the idea of soft skills oriented LSP teaching can close the existing gap in employee training and enhance employees’ chances for success in an international environment. This article presents the results of a survey conducted among LSP teachers in Poland.

Keywords: soft skills, LSP, training, foreign language teaching strategies


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Joanna Kic-Drgas

The Author graduated in linguistics and economics (Ph.D.) and is an Assistant Professor in Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes at the Institute of Applied Linguistics in the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She has ten years of experience in teaching languages for specific purposes. She has authored and co-authored academic and professional papers focused on teaching methodology in languages for specific purposes.

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 27-36.

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How to cite

Kic-Drgas, J. (2018). Development of soft skills as a part of an LSP course. e-mentor, 2(74), 27-36. DOI: