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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em107.1684
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Božić Lenard, D., & Šokčević, K. (2024). ESP students’ attitudes towards using digital dictionaries and AI-based tools in language learning. e-mentor, 5(107), 10-19. https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em107.1684
E-mentor number 5 (107) / 2024
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ESP students’ attitudes towards using digital dictionaries and AI-based tools in language learning
Dragana Božić Lenard, Katarina Šokčević
The importance of dictionaries in learning a foreign language is indisputable, and the emergence of digital dictionaries and artificial intelligence (AI) has noticeably influenced the way students learn a foreign language, providing fertile ground for implementing AI in education (AIEd). This paper aims to examine the attitudes and experiences of English for Specific Purposes students in the use of digital dictionaries and AI-based tools. The students were anonymously surveyed during the winter semester of the 2023/2024 academic year on the types and frequency, reasons for using digital dictionaries, advantages and disadvantages of using digital dictionaries, as well as potential suggestions for improving digital dictionaries. They also provided their opinion on and experience in using AI tools in learning a foreign language and translations. The findings suggest that the students prefer using bilingual digital dictionaries for checking the meaning of unknown words, and they heavily rely on Google Translate as the most convenient option. The students recognise the potential of AIEd, although they believe AI tools should only be used as supplementary material in language learning. On the other hand, AI-based translation tools can be used as primary translation tools. The study sheds light on the characteristic behaviour of ESP students regarding their digital dictionaries and AI-based tools used for language learning and translating. It points to the need of developing students’ digital competence in the realm of digital dictionary use, as well as encourage them to embrace the technology's full potential.
Keywords: ESP students, attitudes, experience, digital dictionaries, AI-based tools
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