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DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em106.1679

The article is in the printed version on pages 71-78.

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How to cite

Łabędzki, R. (2024). Decision making aided by Artificial Intelligence. e-mentor, 4(106), 71-78. https://doi.org/10.15219/em106.1679

E-mentor number 4 (106) / 2024

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About the author

Decision making aided by Artificial Intelligence

Rafał Łabędzki

New trends in management


The aim of the paper is to present how machine learning can support managers in the decision-making process. Analysis of the issue presented in this elaboration includes a review of the relevant literature on decision theory and utility as well as machine learning methods. The paper discusses possibilities of supporting managers through artificial intelligence in the context of stages of the decision-making process. It has been demonstrated that - thanks to artificial intelligence - it is possible to better estimate the expected utility of the alternatives that decision-maker choose from. Additionally, the paper presents an argument indicating that the use of machine learning makes the manager's decision-making process closer to the normative approach.

Keywords: decision-making process, artificial intelligence, utility, machine learning, management


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About the author

Rafał Łabędzki

The author, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. His research primarily focuses on Hybrid Multi-Agent Systems and exploring the dynamics of collaboration between human and artificial intelligence agents. Łabędzki is also engaged in decision-making processes aided by artificial intelligence and human capital management within complex organizational structures. He has received several academic honors and awards, including the prestigious scholarship granted by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, in recognition of his outstanding academic achievements. He holds a Ph.D. in Management and M.A. degrees in Finance and Accounting as well as in Management.