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Bajak, M., & Spendel, Ł. (2024). Using artificial intelligence in business: the example of ChatGPT in management. e-mentor, 4(106), 52-61. https://doi.org/10.15219/em106.1677

E-mentor number 4 (106) / 2024

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About the authors

Using artificial intelligence in business: the example of ChatGPT in management

Maria Bajak, Łukasz Spendel

New trends in management


Generative artificial intelligence is used to create new content and solutions through its ability to discover relationships in raw data, thus simulating the human thinking process. One particularly popular tool of this type is ChatGPT, which generates text and helps to solve a variety of problems. Consequently, it can also support company management by helping in the performance of various functions. By automating routine tasks, for example, it allows employees to focus on more strategic activities, while the use of data to identify trends supports informed decision-making, which enhances a company's competitiveness and efficiency.

The primary objective of the presented paper was to identify the key areas of application of ChatGPT in management. Accordingly, a quantitative and qualitative bibliometric analysis of the literature on this subject from the Web of Science and Scopus databases was undertaken, with a targeted selection of examples for case studies made based on the main research areas identified through bibliometric mapping. The article not only outlines the general trends related to the growth of the literature on ChatGPT in the field of management and quality sciences, but also specifies the main ways in which this tool supports management. It was noted that due to its ability to generate, automate, analyse and optimise, ChatGPT in management practice primarily supports (internal and external) communication, data use and problem solving.

Keywords: ChatGPT, management, generative artificial intelligence, AI, artificial intelligence in management


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About the authors

Maria Bajak

The author is a Junior Researcher at the Department of Marketing, Krakow University of Economics. In her research, she focuses primarily on the themes of the use of new technologies in marketing communications, digital transformation of the purchase path, and corporate social responsibility.

Łukasz Spendel

The author is a Junior Researcher at the Department of Marketing, Krakow University of Economics. His research interests are mainly focused on e-commerce and marketing automation, as well as building buyer loyalty in an omnichannel environment.