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About the article

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em105.1669

The article is in the printed version on pages 22-30.

How to cite

Marszałek, A. (2024). Nowe technologie w obliczu wyzwań sztucznej inteligencji (AI). e-mentor 3(105), 22-30. https://doi.org/10.15219/em105.1669

E-mentor number 3 (105) / 2024

Table of contents

About the author

New technologies in the face of AI challenges

Anna Marszałek

New trends in management


This article depicts an illustrative character. It strives to enter into debate on the dynamic development of artificial intelligence. The issue that arouses lots of arguments nowadays. On the one hand, it can be very much helpful toll used by humans. But, once it is used in a wrong way and moreover without control, it can be perceived as a very perilous one. The aim of the article is to present artificial intelligence within the broader context of implementing the technology process and its' control. The Author puts a major emphasis on the legal and ethical regulations, which are very needed to be implemented in a relatively short period of time. As an example of disruptive innovations ChatGPT is presented.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, technology, disruptive innovation, technology assessment, ChatGPT


About the author