About the article
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.15219/em105.1668
The article is in the printed version on pages 31-40.
How to cite
Czarkowska, M. i Polasik. M. (2024). Czynniki sukcesu rozwoju podmiotów sektora FinTech na rynku polskim: studium przypadków. e-mentor, 3(105), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.15219/em105.1668
E-mentor number 3 (105) / 2024
Table of contents
About the authors
Success factors for the development of FinTech entities on the Polish market: a case study
Marta Czarkowska, Michał Polasik
The dynamic development of services in the financial market that use digital technologies has made FinTech synonymous with modernity, and a term with growing popularity, both among banking professionals and the wider consumer community. Since 2009, the dynamic development of this new segment of non-banking startup entities within the financial sector, FinTechs, has been observed. The main objective of this study is to identify success factors for the development of FinTech entities, by conduscting research using a multiple case study method involving six selected FinTech entities operating in the Polish market, supported by an extensive literature review. Our research, as well as the analysis of secondary sources, established that one of the key factors supporting the success of the development of FinTech entities is the establishment of cooperation with banks, which brings significant benefits to both parties - banks and FinTechs - allowing them to exploit the potential for complementarities between their strengths and increase opportunities for joint development. Some of the solutions introduced by FinTechs are fully based on cooperation with banks, for example BLIK, a system integrated with mobile banking applications. The main barrier to the development of FinTechs in Poland has turned out to be limitations related to legal regulations and the manner of their implementation in the Polish market. The financial market is becoming increasingly regulated, and, at the same time, the Polish financial market supervisory authority is pursuing a rather restrictive policy. The most important factor that determines the popularity of digital FinTech services among Polish consumers is the ability to provide them with broadly understood convenience.
Keywords: Fin-Tech, digital finance, start-ups, banking, BLIK, digital technologies
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