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Search results for the author: Marek Szelągowski

Business Process Management education in Poland: A manifesto for academic teaching

[E-mentor no 2 (104) / 2024] Piotr Sliż, Justyna Berniak-Woźny, Edyta Brzychczy, Renata Gabryelczyk, Katarzyna Gdowska, Marzena Grzesiak, Aneta Napieraj, Marta Podobińska-Staniec, Natalia R. Potoczek, Marek Szelągowski, Piotr Senkus, Krzysztof Kluza

Discussion of the concept of ambidexterity in process management

[E-mentor no 1 (98) / 2023] Piotr Sliż, Marek Szelągowski

Modern methods of process management at healthcare facilities

[E-mentor no 5 (62) / 2015] Marek Szelągowski

The consequences of dynamic BPM

[E-mentor no 4 (56) / 2014] Marek Szelągowski