Interlocking directorates from the perspective of the resource dependency theory
Marlena Grabowska, Iwona Otola
The purpose of this paper is to identify the institutional approach to interlocking directorates from the perspective of resource dependency theory. This problem is being considered in the context of connections among joint stock companies through the members of their supervisory boards. The term interlocking directorates refers to a situation, where a given person holds a position in the management and control bodies of at least two different companies. The reason for undertaking this subject was one of the assumptions of the resource dependency theory, which states that an effective method of dealing with uncertainty and establishing the base for building a competitive advantage is the acquisition and development of unique resources and skills in the enterprise. An empirical pilot study on the phenomenon of interlocking directorates was carried out among members of the management board and supervisory boards of joint-stock companies. It aimed at examining the issues related to the resource dependency theory such as increasing access to resources, monitoring the environment and building credibility. Another aspect of the resource dependency theory covered by the study was the destructive influence of interlocking directorates on the functioning of connected companies. Research results confirmed the importance of interlocking directorates as a factor that supports building the company's credibility, monitoring its surroundings and gaining increased access to resources.
Keywords: resource dependency theory, interlocking directorates, board of directors, supervisory board, joint stock companies
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 80-86.
How to cite
Grabowska, M. i Otola, I. (2019). Interlocking directorates z perspektywy teorii uzależnienia zasobowego. e-mentor, 1(78), 80-86. DOI: 10.15219/em80.1403
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