The role of children's universities in developing key competences and universal skills of children and teenagers

Danuta Morańska


TCivilization changes related to the development of information and communication technologies require the formation of new competences in the society, the possession of which will determine the quality of life in the digital world and rational participation in cyberculture. The implementation of this task becomes the special responsibility of educational institutions that aim at stimulating the growth of interests of children and youth in the areas of knowledge crucial for the development of the information society. It is extremely important to take actions supporting the development of logical and mathematical intelligence and digital competences. Their possession is of key importance for the conscious, rational, and creative use of new technical possibilities. One of the important initiatives supporting this task is the organization of classes within children’s universities. The article describes the projects undertaken at the Children’s University of the Humanitas University in Sosnowiec. Their main goal is to provide conditions for facilitating the development of interest in science, through its popularization. The main assumption is to implement the idea of active learning in the digital environment. Through experiencing and experimenting with the use of information technology methods and means, children and adolescents can develop competences necessary for efficient functioning in the information society.

Keywords: information society, cyber-culture, education, key competences


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Danuta Morańska

The Author is a doctor of humanities, assistant professor at the Humanitas University in Sosnowiec, the director of the Institute of Innovative Education. For thirty years she has been dealing with the problems of education in the information society. Her research interests concern the issues of shaping key competences, preventing marginalization and digital exclusion, and preparing educators to perform professional tasks in a digital reality.

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The article is in the printed version on pages 54-58.

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How to cite

Morańska, D. (2018). The role of children's universities in developing key competences and universal skills of children and teenagers. e-mentor, 4(76), 54-58. DOI: