The meetings with the world of science and art - the activity of the University of Children and Parents at the Pedagogical University of Cracow
Barbara Kurowska
The text presents the activity of the University of Children and Parents established by the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The primary aim of the study is to show examples of practices that can become an inspiration for other educational institutions of this type. The first part of the article presents the main goals and principles of the universitys activities and describes the types of meetings for children and their parents, as the means of broadly understood extracurricular and parental education. In the second part, the author of the paper presents the general idea of the project Artists in the world of pedagogy. The meetings in the field of art, art as a space for shaping cultural and artistic competences of children and youth educational implications, with particular emphasis on the Small Academy of Art, which was created as a part of the project. Students of the University of Children and Parents have an opportunity to participate in the Academy and learn about the richness of Polish culture and art and pursue their creative passions.
Keywords: niversity of Children and Parents, extracurricular activities, workshops for children, lectures for parents, creativity, creation
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 50-53.
How to cite
Kurowska, B. (2018). The meetings with the world of science and art - the activity of the University of Children and Parents at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. e-mentor, 4(76), 50-53. DOI:
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