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7-10 czerwca 2023 r. Management International Conference (MIC 2023)
Triest (Włochy)

We invite researchers, educators, and professionals to join us at the 22nd Management International Conference (MIC 2023) titled Toward Green, Inclusive, and Digital Growth which will be held in Trieste, Italy, 7–10 June 2023. The conference invites submissions that deal with green, inclusive, and digital transformation in management, economics, finance, business, tourism, and energy. Other related tracks and topics will also be considered (https://www.mic.fm-kp.si/)

A special feature of this year's conference is the pre-conference day for PhD students (7 June 2023). Participants will have an opportunity to present and discuss their research and get constructive feedback from experienced researchers. As a part of the pre-conference day, two methodological workshops and a hackathon will be organized.   

The deadline for abstract submission is 5 April 2023 (abstract submission for the pre-conference day is due 20 April 2023). More information can be reached on the conference website: https://www.mic.fm-kp.si/. Hope to see you in June in Trieste! 

Więcej informacji na: https://www.mic.fm-kp.si/


W serwisie prezentowane są zapowiedzi ciekawych konferencji, seminariów i warsztatów poświęconych tematyce e-learningu, zarządzania wiedzą, e-biznesu oraz kształcenia akademickiego oraz ustawicznego - które odbywają się w Polsce
i na świecie.
Serwis umożliwia również zapoznanie się
z zapowiedziami konferencji, publikowanymi
w kolejnych wydaniach "e-mentora".

czerwiec 2023

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