Special offer for doctoral students

Special offer for PhD students


After the success of last year's initiative addressed to Ph.D. candidates, we announce the next edition for 2023. In volumes number 2 and 4 of our journal, the papers submitted by the Ph.D. candidates will get priority while undergoing the reviewing and editing procedure. Both Polish and international students may participate. 


This special offer is valid from January the 1st till September the 1st, 2023. 


To be eligible for this offer, a person should:

1.  Stick to the hints for the authors published on the journal website at FOR AUTHORS;

2.  Submit the paper using the submission form available at the same address;

3.  Provide a valid university affiliation (e.g., the name of the doctoral school) and the name of the scientific promoter (in the Additional comments field) while filling in the form.


The scientific papers to be included in the English volume should cover the issues which may be of interest to both the national and international scholarly audience.


Editorial procedure

The papers submitted for publication must undergo the standard editorial procedure and be accepted by two independent reviewers. The articles of Ph.D. candidates will get priority over the other submissions. The hints for the authors could be found at http://www.e-mentor.edu.pl/strona/3/dla_autorow. Following the editorial requirements makes the procedures going smoothly and faster.

When the paper is formally approved (compliance with the journal profile and thematic areas, its editorial requirements, and eligibility for promotion), the author will get the information whether the paper has been accepted for further procedure. After the reviewing process, we will provide detailed instructions on how to improve the article if necessary. At that stage, the author will not be allowed to withdraw his/her submission.


There is no charge for publishing with “e-mentor.” The papers accepted for publication in the English volume can be prepared either in Polish or in English. The translation and/or proofreading costs will be covered from the project No RCN/SP/0361/2021/1 financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. For publication in the “e-mentor” journal, every author gains 40 points. The journal is indexed in the ESCI WoS, Index Copernicus, and EBSCO databases among the others.


Should you have any specific questions, please contact us at redakcja@e-mentor.edu.pl. Communication languages are Polish and English.

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published: July 2024
online edition: ISSN 1731-7428
printed edition: ISSN 1731-6758

info All academic articles in this journal are peer-reviewed.