Robotic process automation criteria: Exploratory studies
Monika Łada
This article presents the results of exploratory qualitative research aimed at extending the dominant normative approach to the criteria for qualifying business processes for robotisation. Due to the novelty of the analysed organisational practices, the literature presents mainly general recommendations. Robotic process automation (RPA) is recommended for mass, repetitive information and transaction processes with high stability and a high degree of standardisation. Research on the content of experts' opinions has revealed examples of practices implemented in Polish entities, the characteristics of which are inconsistent with normative recommendations. The studies highlight the wide spectrum and complexity of the criteria, in particular the need to better adapt the criteria to various contingencies, with emphasis put on the specificity of the RPA technology used, alternative methods of process automation, and the stage of advancement of digital transformation in the organisation. Flexibility is indicated as the main distinguishing feature of RPA technology, a feature for which the possibility to quickly process changes (prototyping) and the temporary nature of a process (campaign) are important criteria.
Keywords: robotic process automation (RPA), decision analysis, criteria, digital transformation, qualitative research
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 5-12.
How to cite
Łada, M. (2022). Kryteria robotyzacji procesów biznesowych: badania eksploracyjne. e-mentor, 5(97), 5-12.
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