The challenges of implementing patient empowerment approach in the context of patients competences

Anna Rogala


The modern patient becomes more and more proactive in caring for their health. Therefore, the growing importance of patient empowerment phenomenon may be observed, which poses a lot of challenges for the healthcare market's functioning.

The main objective of this paper is to analyze the possibilities of implementing the concept of patient empowerment in the context of patients' competences necessary for its practical use and the related challenges. The considerations are based on a critical review of scientific literature in the fields of medicine, public health, economics and management (especially papers available in Scopus, JSTOR, and ProQuest databases).

In the light of the analyses, patient empowerment appears to be both, a significant challenge and a threat, for the healthcare market. On the one hand, it can help to solve such problems as inefficient healthcare, incompliance in therapy, and low patient involvement in the treatment process. On the other hand, phenomena in the social and technological sphere strengthen the patient's conviction of high competence in the field of health protection, which is often not being reflected in their health literacy. Therefore, it is necessary to create and develop educational programs and campaigns, aimed at improving patients' competences (health literacy, e-health literacy), to optimize the usage of resources and healthcare costs.

Keywords: patient empowerment, healthcare market, health literacy, e-health literacy


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Anna Rogala

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How to cite

Rogala, A. (2020). Wyzwania realizacji koncepcji patient empowerment w kontekście kompetencji pacjentów. e-mentor, 3(85), 41-49.