Modeling method for the evaluation process of production efficiency using the BPMN standard

Adam Koliński, Bogusław Śliwczyński, Paulina Golińska-Dawson


At the age of dynamically changing market conditions, the speed of information flow and decision-making is one of the key factors affecting the competitiveness of enterprises. The decision-making process can be effectively assisted by simulation tools that allow multi-criteria analysis of the potential benefits or risks of the planned activities. The stage immediately preceding the use of simulation tools is modeling process, without which there is no way to effectively monitor and control the realized activities. The research problem defined by the authors is the way to carry out an assessment of the production process efficiency, taking into account the multidimensional analysis of the interdependencies within the process as well as the relationships with other processes that affect the continuity of the material flow. The aim of this paper is to present the concept of an evaluation model for the production process efficiency, as a proposal to minimize the identified research gaps in the fragmented definition of efficiency issues. This article focuses on the problem of modeling the evaluation process of production efficiency in iGrafx Process 2011 for Six Sigma, using the BPMN. The choice of this standard was determined by the representativeness of the modeling of processes and operating systems as well as the universal character, which allows the use of applications for other standards and notations. The result of the research conducted by the authors is a model that is conceptually prepared for verification, both in business practice as well as in the simulation procedure.


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Adam Koliński

Bogusław Śliwczyński

Paulina Golińska-Dawson

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 70-81.

pdf read the article (Polish)

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