The analysis of the Fog Index of the texts used in the evaluation reports of the strategic research programmes in the area of technical innovations

Ludmiła Łopacińska, Urszula Wnuk


The evaluation supports operational and strategic decision making in the organisation. In order to make proper decisions, the management staff must fully understand recommendations and indications resulting from the evaluation. The aim of the article is to analyse the level of the readability of the text used in the evaluation reports of the international and Polish strategic research programmes in the area of technical innovations. The text simplicity was measured with the use of the Gunning Fog Index. The results of the analyses show that the language of evaluation reports could be comprehensible mainly for people with at least higher education certificates, which means that in many organisations the evaluation recommendations are not taken into consideration, as they are simply not understood by the management staff, whose professional skills do not necessarily go with high level of formal education.


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Ludmiła Łopacińska
The Institute for Sustainable Technologies -National Research Institute (Radom)

Urszula Wnuk
The Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute (Radom)

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 43-49.

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How to cite

L. Łopacińska, U. Wnuk, Analiza indeksu mglistości tekstu w raportach ewaluacyjnych strategicznych programów badawczych w obszarze innowacji technicznych, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 5 (57), s. 43-49,