Knowlege managment in integrated IT management systems with the use of cognitive agents
Andrzej Bytniewski, Anna Chojnacka-Komorowska, Marcin Hernes, Kamal Matouk
The article presents the issues related to knowledge management by using the integrated management information systems. The aim of the article is to develop the manner of cognitive agent's perceptual memory implementation. The agents run in the prototype of integrated management information system, named CIMIS, which is used in knowledge management process in business organizations. CIMIS is based on the LIDA cognitive agent architecture. The paper draws attention to the business processes integration with the use of the information systems. Using such research methods as literature study, case study and computer simulation, the authors present how to use a topic map standard for perceptual memory implementation. This is very important module of agent's architecture responsible for proper recognition of an object, categories, activities and events occurring both in external and internal agent's environment. The solution presented in this paper allows for automatic interpretation, by an agent, of the phenomena occurring in the enterprise's environment. It has a positive impact on the process of knowledge management. Since the topic map is an international standard, it allows to achieve an interoperability of different information systems.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 54-60.
How to cite
A. Bytniewski, A. Chojnacka-Komorowska, M. Hernes, K. Matouk, Zarządzanie wiedzą w zintegrowanych systemach informatycznych zarządzania z wykorzystaniem agentów kognitywnych, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 4 (56), s. 54-60,
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