Integration of payment systems in the metaverse - challenges and the future of e-commerce in the virtual world

Paweł Kuraś, Patryk Organiściak, Bartosz Kowal, Dominik Strzałka, Krzysztof Demidowski


In the era of the burgeoning metaverse, integration of payment systems is becoming a key element to enable seamless and secure transactions in virtual environments. This paper focuses on an analysis of current payment solutions in the metaverse, as well as their challenges and future prospects. The first part of the paper discusses existing payment systems available in the metaverse, including cryptocurrencies, tokens and traditional payment methods, highlighting their impact on transaction dynamics and the perception of value in the virtual world.

The main challenges of integrating these systems are then presented, such as data security, identity verification, complex processes for exchanging currencies (crypto and traditional), and interoperability issues between different virtual environments. In the final part of the paper we focus on the future of e-commerce in the metaverse, considering what technological innovations may affect the shape and nature of commerce in the virtual world, and what opportunities lie ahead for entrepreneurs and developers in terms of creating new business models. The conclusions of this publication highlight the importance of proper integration of payment systems in the metaverse for achieving sustainable and balanced e-commerce development in virtual environments, as well as underscoring the need for further research and innovation in this field to meet users' growing expectations and provide them with secure and efficient payment methods.

Keywords: metaverse, payment systems, virtual e-commerce, technology integration, cryptocurrencies, transaction security, blockchain, augmented reality (AR)



Paweł Kuraś

Patryk Organiściak

Bartosz Kowal

Dominik Strzałka

Krzysztof Demidowski

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 74-85.

pdf read the article (Polish)

How to cite

Kuraś, P., Organiściak, P., Kowal, B., Strzałka, D. i Demidowski, K. (2024). Integracja systemów płatniczych w IoE oraz metaverse - wyzwania i przyszłość e-commerce w wirtualnym świecie. e-mentor, 1(103), 74-85.