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1 - 2 września 2016 Overwhelmed by overflows: How people and organizations deal with daily overflows
Pałac Kazimierzowski UW, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Warszawa

Call for papers: Deadline for abstracts’ submissions: 28 February 2016 Overflow is defined in dictionaries as the excess or surplus impossible to be accommodated by an available space. This neutral definition leads to great many research questions. * WHO, WHAT and HOW decides what space is available? * Who, what and how decides what does “accommodate” mean, and who or what is to be doing this accommodation? * Who, what and how decides what is excess and surplus, where does the border or the edge lie? This conference invites papers describing and analyzing ways people and organizations deal with overflows of various kinds – information, goods, tasks, but also of abstract concepts such as diagnoses or of concrete beings such as people. The principal query is when and where the notion of overflow – framed in terms of excess and abundance and/or their opposites, scarcity and dearth – appears, and how is it dealt with in different contexts, from domestic consumption to refugee influx to climate control. Do seemingly diverse overflows have a similar dynamic? And, does management of different overflows follow a similar logic, or does such logic depend on the type of the overflow? Does such logic change in different settings and times? ==== Keynote speakers: Prof. Barbara Czarniawska University of Gothenburg Studying overflows: Challenges and rewards Prof. Orvar Lofgren Lunds Universitet A Sea of Strangers? Navigating Overflows in Urban Settings Prof. Grażyna Wieczorkowska-Wierzbińska University of Warsaw Individual Differences in dealing with Overflow with co-speaker prof. Mirosława Marody Prof. Oscar Ybarra University of Michigan A Mental and Behavioral ToolKit for Structuring Overflows

Więcej informacji na: http://overflowconference.pl/


W serwisie prezentowane są zapowiedzi ciekawych konferencji, seminariów i warsztatów poświęconych tematyce e-learningu, zarządzania wiedzą, e-biznesu oraz kształcenia akademickiego oraz ustawicznego - które odbywają się w Polsce
i na świecie.
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z zapowiedziami konferencji, publikowanymi
w kolejnych wydaniach "e-mentora".

wrzesień 2016

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