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e-edukacja na świecie

22-25 czerwca 2021 r. EDEN 2021 Virtual Annual Conference

Lessons from a pandemic for the future of education

This year’s conference is intended as a continuation of the efforts of EDEN to support educators by providing a space to explore the issues and insights that have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is intended to enable educators to share their experiences and best practices related to a range of topics relevant to this situation. These topics include issues such as: learner-centeredness in education; the continued evolution of online and distance learning; transitioning from emergency remote teaching to online learning; digital preparedness, digital literacy, and digital citizenship; the continued adoption of Artificial Intelligence; methodological advances; potentiating health and wellness in online education; and non-traditional assessment solutions.

Not only does this conference provide attendees with the perfect opportunity to explore this range of topics, but it also provides us with a space to reflect upon the role that online and distance education will have after the pandemic. As noted in our webinar series #covid19 #onlinetogether Education in a time of a pandemic, fully online education on a global scale is unprecedented in the history of education. Today we are talking about the “new normal” and “future normal”. What will this future look like? How can EDEN members help to shape it and bring their insights to bear?


Więcej informacji na: https://www.eden-online.org/2021_madrid/


W serwisie prezentowane są zapowiedzi ciekawych konferencji, seminariów i warsztatów poświęconych tematyce e-learningu, zarządzania wiedzą, e-biznesu oraz kształcenia akademickiego oraz ustawicznego - które odbywają się w Polsce
i na świecie.
Serwis umożliwia również zapoznanie się
z zapowiedziami konferencji, publikowanymi
w kolejnych wydaniach "e-mentora".

czerwiec 2021

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