Kalendarz wydarzeń

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e-edukacja na świecie

17 maja do 10 czerwca 2021 r. iLRN2021- 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network
online: iLRN Virtual Campus
21-24 maja 2021 r. 6th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning
Shanghai, China + online

Distance education has been changing its nature and gaining momentum in the past couple of decades, under the influence of ICT and learning sciences' developments, up to become an established part of the current education world. The engine of this growth has been the technological development of diverse, two-way communication channels apt to support interaction and joint work in different ways, effectively removing time and place constraints. Such development has contributed to change the field: not only there is currently a major focus on distance education at most institutions around the world, but also fostering students' active involvement and self-regulation has been receiving growing attention, increasingly moving courses away from traditional face-to-face approaches. Distance education is prone to further evolution and diffusion, following the changes of technology and culture. We can expect, in particular:

• More personalized and adaptive learning, allowing students to blend, at individual pace, varied resources distributed across settings and institutions; 

• Convergence of multiple technologies in a single device, creating a new level of functionality and interaction; 

• Development of more effective approaches and regulations for accreditation; 

• Attempts towards courses' automation.

ICDEL 2021 conference is closely monitoring the status of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on conference and travel. Participants safety and health is our priority. While ICDEL 2021 conference prefer to have an in-person conference to the maximum extent possible, online presentation will be acceptable this year, besides the regular onsite presentation format (oral presentation).


Więcej informacji na: http://www.icdel.org/index.html


W serwisie prezentowane są zapowiedzi ciekawych konferencji, seminariów i warsztatów poświęconych tematyce e-learningu, zarządzania wiedzą, e-biznesu oraz kształcenia akademickiego oraz ustawicznego - które odbywają się w Polsce
i na świecie.
Serwis umożliwia również zapoznanie się
z zapowiedziami konferencji, publikowanymi
w kolejnych wydaniach "e-mentora".

maj 2021

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