Self-efficacy and psychological well-being of teachers

Agnieszka Lipińska-Grobelny, Marta Narska


Introduction: The aim of the presented research was to check whether there is a connection between teachers' self-efficacy and their psychological well-being from a holistic (hedonic and eudaimonic) perspective. Method: The study involved 100 teachers who were asked to fill in the following research tools with proven psychometric properties: the General Self-Efficacy Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and the Psychological Well-being Scale. Results: The obtained data confirm that there is a connection between self-efficacy belief, and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. The degree of professional promotion grades modifies the relationships considered. Conclusions: The psychological well-being of teachers is significantly associated with their evaluation of efficacy, which may have a positive impact on the effectiveness of teachers' professional functioning and the achievements of their students.

Keywords: self-efficacy, psychological well-being, hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being, teachers


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Agnieszka Lipińska-Grobelny

The author is an associate professor. She works at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lodz. She is the author of several dozen scientific publications. Her scientific interests focus on the functioning of various professional groups, including teachers, as well as on promoting proactive attitudes among working people.

Marta Narska

The author holds an MA from the University of Lodz. She graduated from psychology with a specialization in business and career psychology. Currently, she deals with personal counselling in the banking sector.

About the article


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How to cite

Lipińska-Grobelny, A. & Narska, M. (2021). Self-efficacy and psychological well-being of teachers. e-mentor, 3(90), 4-10.