Effective management of employee innovation in the Covid-19 era, i.e. how to strengthen the innovation potential of members of the organization during a crisis

Magdalena Łużniak-Piecha, Joanna Bobrowska


Employee involvement in innovation processes is seen as an increasingly important factor for gaining the competitive advantage by companies, as the pace of market change and the difficulty in foreseeing it grows, however the creation and support of innovation is an extremely difficult task in the context of managing a team of creative individuals who all act independently and think critically. The authors review the theoretical literature and current results of empirical research, referring to issues related to individual and organizational conditions of innovativeness of the organization's employees, they also point to factors influencing the effectiveness of using the creative potential of employees.

The pandemic situation is a strong incentive to introduce a number of changes in organizations, including rethinking the ways of work management, human resources management methods and innovation process management. Using the innovative potential of employees is now an opportunity for many organizations to survive. On the other hand, the current dynamic changes in the work environment, mainly related to the spread of remote work and digital technologies, may hinder the creativity of employees. The literature review on employee innovation, especially in the context of a pandemic, is the starting point for our own research on the determinants of employee innovation and the course of innovation processes in organizations. The research results will be the subject of further studies.

Keywords: employee innovation, innovation culture, innovation, competitive advantage, creative potential of employees


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Magdalena Łużniak-Piecha

Joanna Bobrowska

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 55-63.

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How to cite

Łużniak-Piecha, M. i Bobrowska, J. (2020). Efektywne zarządzanie innowacyjnością pracowniczą w czasach COVID-19, czyli jak w kryzysie wzmocnić potencjał innowacyjny członków organizacji. e-mentor, 5(87), 55-63.