Fostering critical thinking skills among future teachers

Liudmyla Milto, Leyla Sultanova, Irina Dubrovina


Today, a person who thinks critically is able to conduct a dialogue, determine the nature of any problem and find alternative solutions, and distinguish fact from assumption. This person is not afraid to question established opinions and judgments. That is why such kind of people are considered to be competitive and in demand on the labor market. The article, based on modern scientific positions, reveals the meaning of "critical thinking". The development of critical thinking is based on observation skills; on the ability to ask questions and find the necessary resources; on the ability to check beliefs, assumptions and opinions, contrary to the evidence; on the ability to distinguish and identify a problem; on the ability to assess the validity of statements and arguments; and on the ability to find and make smart decisions, and understand logic and logical arguments.

The authors of the article found that the process of solving pedagogical problems was the basic unit of critical thinking skills among future teachers. The availability of critical thinking skills among future teachers is determined by using a critical thinking test, developed by Lauren Starkey, an American author (Starkey, 2004). The analysis of the survey results shows that the majority of respondents have an average level of critical thinking skills. The average level of critical thinking skills indicates that an average future teacher's forms of thinking are unevenly developed. That is why it is difficult for a future teacher to make important decisions. We propose to foster critical thinking skills by solving pedagogical problems, which involves the use of modern interactive forms, methods and techniques of teaching.

Keywords: critical thinking, future teacher of higher education institutions, solving pedagogical problems, interactive forms, methods and techniques of teaching


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Liudmyla Milto

The author is a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher School of the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University. L. Milto is the author of more than 100 scientific works, including seven monographs (one individual), scientific manuals, methodological recommendations, educational programs, a course of lectures (co-authored) for students of higher education institutions, scientific articles in professional journals, in foreign scientific periodicals (Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Slovenian, etc.), and articles included in international scientometric databases. Her general experience of teaching in pedagogical institutions of higher education and carrying out scientific research is 30 years. Range of scientific interests: solution of pedagogical tasks and their role in the development of the critical thinking of future teachers, communicative culture of the teacher; pedagogical creativity and methods of its development; formation of creative individuality of the teacher; development of ideas of pedagogical skill in the history of world and domestic pedagogy.

Leyla Sultanova

The author is a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Pedagogical Education of the Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. For 10 years, she dealt with the issue of multicultural education. Research interests are related to issues of professional training for a teacher of a higher education institution, teacher training for a new Ukrainian school, as well as research activity of students of pedagogical faculties and methods of forming critical thinking of future teachers.

Irina Dubrovina

The author holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogy, is an associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher School of the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Associate Editor of the professional edition of "Ukrainian Pedagogical Journal", category B. Investigates the issues of: students' self-efficacy, creation of a reflexive-estimative environment in a higher educational institution, practical aspects of the development of future teachers' critical thinking, and carries out research on the examination of educational initiatives and monitoring of education quality.

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 13-21.

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How to cite

Milto, L., Sultanova, L., & Dubrovina, I. (2020). Fostering critical thinking skills among future teachers. e-mentor, 4(86), 13-21.