Applying the ambidexterity approach to knowledge exchange and knowledge protection in the context of absorptive capacity

Monika Stelmaszczyk, Adam Jarubas


The article presents the results of investigating the relationships between ambidexterity (simultaneous knowledge exchange and knowledge protection) and absorptive capacity with openness to external knowledge considered as a moderator. The hypothesis was verified by several steps of the regression analysis and also SEM analysis for the moderation model. Confirming the direct impact of ambidexterity on the potential and actual absorptive capacity constitutes the added value of this research.

It also turned out that openness to external knowledge is not a moderator of the dependence in question. Nevertheless, there was a direct impact of this variable on three dimensions of absorptive capacity, i.e., acquisition, assimilation, and exploitation. In this regard, it should be recognized that both ambidexterity and openness to knowledge (as independent variables) significantly affect the potential and actual absorptive capacity. Presented conclusions should be considered as a contribution to the literature in the field of strategic management.

Keywords: absorptive capacity, ambidexterity, knowledge exchange, knowledge protection, openness to external knowledge, SEM


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Monika Stelmaszczyk

Adam Jarubas

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 68-78.

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How to cite

Stelmaszczyk, M. i Jarubas, A. (2019). Zastosowanie podejścia ambidexterity w odniesieniu do wymiany wiedzy i ochrony wiedzy w kontekście zdolności absorpcyjnej. e-mentor, 2(79), 68-78. DOI: 10.15219/em80.1414