Children's University of Interesting History - learning the history of Poland and the history of the world

Łukasz Przybyłek


The article presents educational activities of the Children’s University of Interesting History. The various methods that allow effective teaching of the history are analyzed. The Children’s University of Interesting History has been a part of the Warsaw educational market for six years. The case study included in the paper illustrates the university’s unique methods and attitude towards students. The author analyzes different teaching methods and educational goals concerning every university group, from the youngest students – Observers and Explorers, by Travelers and Researchers up to the oldest – Creators. Such a diversified approach allows building a coherent vision of history. Teaching this vision is the basic concept of the Children’s University of Interesting History, which is also visible in practice. Referring to what Leszek Kolakowski says, one may call such an approach a translation project.

Keywords: education, history, extracurricular education, teaching methods, children’s university


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Łukasz Przybyłek

The Author is a longtime associate and a lecturer at the Children's University of Interesting History. He graduated in Law, Philosophy, and History from the University of Warsaw. At present he teaches ethics and history in the primary school number 319, named after Maria Kann in Warsaw. The Polish Radio Associate. He co-authored two books Zniszczenia szwedzkie na terenie Korony w okresie potopu 1655-1660 and Lauda ziemi rawskiej i woj. rawskiego 1583-1793 (the leading editor M. Nagielski). Mr. Przybyłek is also a Warsaw city guide.

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 68-72.

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How to cite

Przybyłek, Ł. (2018). Children's University of Interesting History - learning the history of Poland and the history of the world. e-mentor, 4(76), 68-72. DOI: