Smart skills and education in a future economy

Franciszek Kutrzeba


Regardless of whether the adopted role of education is to prepare people for pursuing employment or building general values, it will include the identification and development of skills and competences as well as professional and personal at- tributes. Critical thinking, ingenuity and complex cognitive-social skills are precisely those areas in which people continue to outdo intelligent machines. The purpose of this article is to review the skills and competences that will be desirable in the future in relation to recent technological changes. They are preceded by selected macroeconomic data to illustrate the situation of higher education with an emphasis on Poland, where, despite positive returns on investment in education (the highest among OECD countries), since 2005 a systematic fall in demand for higher education has been observed. The empirical part presents the results of a pilot study aimed at determining the desired future skills and professional attributes of Polish employers. The basic data was collected manually using a quantitative study during three sessions at two different job fairs in Gdańsk in March 2017. According to the surveyed respondents (n = 55), professional experience, proficiency in the use of new media and formal education were indicated as the least important features, while learning and diligence – as the key competences for the future economy. In addition, the studies have shown the differences in the perception of these abilities and competences depending on the employer’s position on the market, the number of employees and the internal policies of the companies.

Keywords: smart skills, higher education, critical thinking, smart competencies, future economy


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Franciszek Kutrzeba

The Author graduated from the University of Örebro in Sweden in 2008 with a Master of Science in Business and Economics degree. He also fulfilled the requirements for master's degree in social sciences. Additionally, he trained at the Karl-Franzens-Universität in Graz, Austria and studied Theology at Uppsala University in Sweden. He received his primary and secondary education in Finland where he grew up. Currently Mr Kutrzeba is a part-time teaching assistant and a doctoral student at Gdañsk University of Technology. His research interests refer to the competences necessary for the employment in the economy of the future based on the intelligent technology.

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How to cite

Kutrzeba, F. (2018). Smart skills and education in a future economy. e-mentor, 2(74), 37-43. DOI: